Michael Ware on ABC Radio in Brisbane [UPDATED]

Michael did a half-hour radio interview earlier today in Brisbane, and as always, his passion for his work came through loud and clear.


Michael talks to QUT students

Michael spoke to journalism students at Queensland University of Technology about his experiences in Iraq. This is a news clip they produced about the event:

[click photo to play]


Students at Q-U-T were treated to a guest lecture from CNN’s Michael Ware today, a welcome home for the Brisbanite who nearly didn’t make it.

Michael Ware, CNN Correspondent: “I was dragged from my car by a chap who had a live grenade. He had the pin in one hand and held it in the other and he held it to my head.”

Michael’s captors planned to film his execution with his own camera. But he was saved by a nationalist insurgent and friend who convinced them to let him go.

Kidnapped three times, the lucky to be alive 41-year-old says his staff were also abducted and tortured.

Michael Ware, CNN Correspondent: “They’ve saved my life several times and risked theirs countless times and never once did any of them take a backwards step.”

At least 40 journalists have been killed in Iraq since the war began in 2003, 13 of those were killed by US troops.

For the journalists who’d come home, they often don’t return the way they once were.

Michael is on leave from CNN to finish the book but to do that he has to revisit the horrors he’s locked away in his mind.

Michael Ware, CNN Correspondent: “Laughing while a man gurgles for life is common place. On the front line you become de-sensitised.”

Since returning home, Michael has helped families he met in Afghanistan move to Australia, England and the United States.

The book, titled, “Between Me and the Dead”, will be published early next year.

Ashlea Tighe, QUT News

Very Special Mail

Was touched beyond words to find this in the mail today:

From: Michael Ware
Date: May 07, 2010 07:21:24 AM PDT

I’ve never written publicly to mickware.com before but I am now compelled… Cynthia Delmar you’ve left me without words. What one woman, a blog, and a journalist’s eye can do simply amazes me. And all I can say is – thank you, for everything.

He is a class act.